Vivek Sharma’s Soft Matter ODES-lab

Optics, Dynamics, Elasticity, & Self-Assembly (ODES)

We elucidate the influence of size, shape, dynamics, & interactions of dispersed phases (polymers, micelles, particles, proteins, drops, & bubbles) on the stability, rheology, fizzics, processability, and applications of complex fluids, motivated by curiosities and challenges from industry and academia, especially for engineering plant-based foods and sustainable formulations.

Fundamental quests: polymer physics, interface science, fluid mechanics, and scaling theory.


Expertise and Interests: Fizzics, Optics, Rheology and Mechanics (FORM) of complex fluids and soft materials, including Polymers, Foams, Surfactants, Emulsions, Liquid Crystals, Proteins, Polyelectrolytes, Colloidal Sols, and Printable Inks.


Seven Ph.D. students, a few M.S. students, and many enthusiastic U.G.s.

Alumni include eight Ph. D.s, a dozen M.S. students, and over a hundred & thirty-five U.G. students.


60. “Modeling drop deformations and rheology of dilute to dense emulsions”, R. B. Reboucas, N. N. Nikolova, and V. Sharma, Curr. Op. Colloid Interface Sci, (2025)


Courses (2023-24): CHE 512: Microhydrodynamics (G),  CHE 457: Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomena (G/ UG), CHE 454: Molecular and Macromolecular Engineering (G/UG); CHE 392: UG Research; CHE 595: Seminar.

*ODES: definitions (selected): Words like cathode, anode, electrode, diode, method & period contain Greek ‘hodos’ (-ode) meaning way or path.
Wolfram page: Ordinary Differential Equation, an equality involving a function and its derivative. N.B: Our group loves PDEs just as well. says: “Ode” comes from the Greek aeidein, meaning to sing or chant, and belongs to the long and varied tradition of lyric poetry.

We welcome questions, suggestions, curiosities